Agar Aura's Borneo Noir

Boys, boys put your handbags down. You're both muslims so show some brotherly love towards each other and others. Taha, i've had no dealings with you but if you let this topic go and don't post another reply on this matter i'll buy a bottle of oud off you. Ensar, i've bought many a bottle off yourself and you have shown impeccable character and generosity throughout. You being on the sufi path and your tolerance of my impatience played a massive part in me returning to you. My Sheikh says the path we tread is a very dangerous one, its the quickest way to raise your maqaam but its a slippery slope if you fall. I see smileys here and there in the posts but i can see gritted teeth behind them, let it ride.
Perhaps we can start an X vs Y thread where you guys can duke it out. Otherwise, I come here for the same serenity and elevation of knowledge that I find in my daily burnings and meditation.