Agarwood Species Nomenclature Definitions and Classification.



Assalamu Alaykm and Hello everyone! I wanted to post a nice list I put together in the past that sheds light on some of the Nomenclature of Agarwood Species. Through our combined research in botany we can hope to classify Oud by their origins, chemical constituents, as well as understand the physical and genetic differences between trees. (Which species are more closely related to one another, and which are further related, and compare the genetic differences with their chemical constituents).

To start off with some nomenclature, the names we know are usually derived from Latin roots (not all are, some have been Latinized, and some have not), here is a list of some definitions of Latin/Latinized words as well as some others:

  • Agallocha: Resinous aromatic tree
  • Apiculata: Abrupt, short point.
  • Aquilaria: Eagle in Latin, ie. Eagleswood, Agarwood. Previously Agallaria (Agal Wood).
  • Beccariana: Named after Odoardo Beccari, 20th century Italian botanist.
  • Crassna: Thailand: Mai Krishna, Cambodia: Chann Crassna. A reference to the Hindu God Krishna
  • Cumingiana: Hugh Cumin, 19th century British botanist.
  • Grandiflora: With large flowers.
  • Gyrinops: Tadpole-like (A reference to the shape of seeds found within the fruits of some Gyrinops trees)
  • Hirta: Shaggy, Hairy, Rough.
  • Malaccensis: Native from Malacca, the region including the island of Sumatra and continental Asia.
  • Microcarpa: Tiny fruit.
  • Sinensis: From China, Chinese.
  • Subintegra: Almost entire.
  • Walla Patta: Walla: ??, Patta: Fibrous
For every new word defined, I will further update this list. I believe in the spirituality of Oud, but I also believe in the science of Oud, I hope we can learn from one another as well as further educate our Oud communities in this regard.

P.S. I also didn't know where I should post this as there was no science section, feel free moderators to move this thread to a place you find more suitable!
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