

Well-Known Member
Hey all, apologies for my absence as of late. It had been a trying time at work and then a tragedy happened. One of our former employees, one of our family really, committed suicide. It has been challenging and really a bit surreal. I'm glad you all are continuing your oud education and I will try to be present more. Thanks!
May the Ever Compassionate bless you and your family ever and ever, and the late be forgiven and blessed! Sacred patience, brother. No need to apologize, rather we have to have information about this, and be with you in such depressing time. Stay brave and blessed.

Ensar Oud

Well-Known Member
So sorry to hear that, Brian! Hope you stay strong and see the wisdom in everything that happens around us. Wear some Hainan 80% and focus on the breaths. Much peace & love to you hombre.