Favorite Region/Species?


Well-Known Member
When I think about it, it's not really the region or species that I favor but rather certain oils in my collection that I favor over others; oils that just happen to be from a certain region and are done the way I like and not necessarily to say I'll favor every oil from that region.

The whole species/region thing was something I started to expand on in my response about kyara/kinam formation to @RobertOne. Not only will you find variation among the different species, you can and will find variation within a specific species. From a consumer perspective it's as @Ensar stated, more of a handicap than anything because liking or favoring one or several oils from a region may not confer to liking/not liking oils from that region as a whole.
That is precisely what I am struggling with. Every time I think I finally understand what a region or country might yield, I find out that our preconceived notions may not be true. At the same time, however, that is what makes Oud so mysteriously enchanting. How absolutely wondrous, this diversity we get from the magical tree !


Well-Known Member
That is precisely what I am struggling with. Every time I think I finally understand what a region or country might yield, I find out that our preconceived notions may not be true. At the same time, however, that is what makes Oud so mysteriously enchanting. How absolutely wondrous, this diversity we get from the magical tree !
I think you are on to the solution to the "struggle" around trying to understand it all. Some of it is just acceptance and loving the mystery. I love learning what I can, but the second I try to form rigid black and white rules, outside some of the most basic, then I think limit myself and my ability grow as I would like. Trying to fit things into my preconceived ideas is like the square peg in a round hole thing, it just doesn't work, and ultimately leads to unnecessary frustration.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am getting there. You know those lanterns that people release unto the sky to either make a wish or to mentally let go of problems? I feel like I am lighting lanterns with cliché labels such as "Barnyard - Indian" and I am letting them go in the night sky. I definitely feel less frustrated now that I have accepted all this.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am getting there. You know those lanterns that people release unto the sky to either make a wish or to mentally let go of problems? I feel like I am lighting lanterns with cliché labels such as "Barnyard - Indian" and I am letting them go in the night sky. I definitely feel less frustrated now that I have accepted all this.
I think Oud is it's own reward if you maintain one mental attribute while experiencing it; acceptance.

If you completely open your mind and try best to clear it of preconceptions then I think you will experience it to the fullest of your senses.

In the case of many scents usually but not strictly with kinam or kyara this will joyfully reward you by granting you a greater capacity for acceptance of tribulations as you go about your day.


Well-Known Member
Why struggle with regional qualities, aged oils, young oils, and different distillation techniques. Just get your hands on as much oud as you could possible get, then become lost in the blissful clouds :rolleyes: