EO: Mysore '84
The 70's.
The decade that taste forgot.
I do have some happy memories of that tartan-infested decade, however, and it was soapy. I remember some of the bars my grandfather had, scented with sandalwood. I recall that I am not the only one on the forum with that memory!
This oil harkened me back to that time, and then some. It's smooth, creamy and eminates relaxed luxury. I am spoiled here, I think, to have such a first experience of this oil. It's very hard to define just how harmonious and strong, balanced it was. Not a maserati, this, but rather a coach-built vintage car of many a year ago. Whenever I swiped a little then my cares just seemed to fade away. The scent is linear from 20 minutes after application, but really, who gives a gosh darn damn with such harmony.
This is the first real scent I wore in my beard, it semed utterly natural to do that at the time as in antiquity as so many great men did, and the projection lasted almost a whole day even in the dry, dry air of Oklahoma. Of course, I did swipe a little in the evening just for greed, waking up to this scent in the morning was wonderful.