Thoughts on Tigerwood 95 vs Tigerwood Royale?


Well-Known Member
Practically speaking, putting all preference aside, a true Oudlover should have a bottle of TW95, it's that simple. Even if Malaysian isn't your thing at the moment, get a bottle. (Categorically and Undeniably)
I agree. Even I'm thinking to have 2 more ... if possible.


New Member
my love of malaysian started with TR and i tried many malaysian ouds to get the same kick but other than a note or 2 they are quiet different, figures. but if what ensar says is ture that TG95 is woodier than TR then its an easy choice for me. i reserved a bottle even before all the debate :) (i thank Adam from EO for that, whereever he is)
i like oud royale 85 and dhul q and with tg95 it would just get better.
incence heavy with 0 barn. aroha, dhul q, they shoulsnt exist , yet they are and changes the smell assosiated to oud.